a private & selective MOONDROP from five nights at freddy's: security breach, as written and loved by jack.a study in creatures lurking in the dark, the balance between humanity and robot emotions, the unsettling, and being a nuisance when least expected.


  • this blog is 18+ only , there will be nsfw content in the form of BLOOD & GORE - though likely no other. however, i would still prefer for all of my fellow writers to be of age, considering that i am TWENTY - FOUR myself.

  • there is no tolerance for drama of any kind here. anything mean towards myself or other writers will not be tolerated, we are all here to have a good time.

  • this blog is written with minimal graphics, but i do not mind how many or little that my partner uses ! your graphics choices are completely up to you, as mine are up to me.

  • muses are welcome to be as mean or unfriendly to one another as they please: THIS DOES NOT AFFECT MY OPINION OF YOU AS A WRITER! nothing said in character is ever meant to be a jab or a push out of character.

  • please do not rush for replies, i will draft everything that i see repliable & will do them as i have the time for it. my work schedule is never the same each week, which means that my time for writing is very sporadic !

mains & exclusives

SUNDROP — other half / exclusive
character name — relationship / exclusive
character name — relationship / exclusive

character name — relationship / exclusive
character name — relationship / exclusive
character name — relationship / exclusive
character name — relationship / exclusive
character name — relationship / exclusive

ABOUT THE WRITER i go by jack, and i'm a little bit obsessed with the animatronics from fnaf security breach. i'm always happy to chat, my dms are always open for plotting! i love writing silly little things together!


  NAME.  moondrop
  ALIASES.  moon
  SPECIES.  animatronic
  GENDER.  he/him
  LOCATION.  moondrop is generally located in the day care - he may lurk elsewhere.
  OCCUPATON.  he is specialized to assist children with having a restful sleep.


ooh look a cool quote can go here! feel free to make it whatever you think would fit your character! it can be as long as you'd like too.


  TEMPERMENT.  melancholic.
  ALIGNMENT.  chaotic evil.
  LIKES.  children's books, the sound of music boxes, cleanliness.
  DISLIKES.  unruly children, messes, bright lights.
  HOBBIES.  organizing the day care, listening to his own music box.


  HEIGHT.  7 feet / 213 cm
  HAIR.  he is content with his hat.
  EYES.  piercing red oculars.
  BODY TYPE.  tall & scrawny, gangly.
  OTHER.  tba.

history & more

MOONDROP WAS ORIGINALLY CREATED TO BE A DAY CARE ATTENDENT, one for helping the children fall asleep for naptime - a complete counterpart of the SUNDROP robot who was made for all of the day tasks. upon creating him, they soon found that something was very wrong with his coding - he was created to be too malicious towards the children that he was intended to take care of. it wasn't long till he was banned from being a regular face in the day care.
they have gone through numerous iterations of his code, none of which have helped with the issue of his malice. it's likely a cause of his security features being too intune, thinking that he must protect the day care at all costs.
his malice has shown to go on to other animatronics occasionally. like when he was seen stealing freddy from the tunnels when gregory was with him.

  • moon is not evil of his own doing, it's an issue in his coding that causes him to be so aggressive.

  • he does have moments where he can show that he is capable of taking care of children, he is not completely void of any paternal instincts. considering that he was created to deal with children, he has a constant battle with himself as to whether he wants to take care of them or put them into a forced nap.

  • he has a music box located in his chest cavity, the sound of it is completely calming to him.

  • he enjoys reading bedtime stories, this was something that he was created for.

  • he has a knack for being a trickster, and loves to play jokes on others at their own expense.


 VERSE NAME.  — verse tag
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vehicula est enim, et tempus nunc aliquet quis. Donec sed lectus nulla. Aenean accumsan, lorem quis semper egestas, tortor diam pharetra ligula, vel tincidunt elit arcu in neque. Phasellus sit amet consectetur odio. Praesent ex lectus, semper quis augue ut, malesuada tincidunt magna. In gravida tortor vitae sem convallis faucibus. Aliquam cursus turpis sapien, eleifend feugiat metus tempor nec. Fusce urna nunc, porttitor at mattis et, pretium vel tortor.
 VERSE NAME.  — verse tag
Proin tincidunt consequat lacinia. Proin in aliquet quam. Vestibulum vehicula elit ac malesuada faucibus. Morbi in erat vel velit venenatis finibus quis feugiat orci. Sed imperdiet enim ut erat maximus, non pulvinar felis mollis. Maecenas accumsan rutrum ex, aliquam commodo leo faucibus at. Cras varius erat eget elit dapibus, suscipit fringilla erat egestas.
 VERSE NAME.  — verse tag
Donec vitae enim est. Sed eget diam ligula. Morbi aliquam vulputate nunc et vehicula. Integer sed cursus ipsum. Proin quis quam non diam congue elementum ac id urna. Morbi semper erat at condimentum dignissim. Phasellus ultrices et mauris ac auctor.